Sietze Wijma has already given a masterclass for us twice before. With great success! He will return to AWA in early 2024 for a masterclass on common and less common wine faults.
Sietze has a master’s degree in Sensory Science and gives many tastings at the WSET Wine School in London. We are therefore very happy that he will come to Amsterdam for us again this evening.

Under Sietze’s guidance, we taste the same neutral base wine 11 times. An ‘incorrect’ aroma that we can encounter in wine has been added to 10 of these samples. For example, consider the smell by which you can recognize ‘cork’. Sietze explains where these aromas come from and in which wines you could expect them.

This is the ideal masterclass for students preparing for the WSET level 3 tasting exam, but also very suitable for other wine lovers who would like to learn how to taste better.

Register quickly by sending us an email, because there is only limited space!