Complaints procedure

Amsterdam Wine Academy (AWA) is committed to making your experience the best it can be. However, if you have a complaint, AWA strives to answer it to your full satisfaction as soon as possible.

Feedback is much appreciated and AWA will always strive to improve our service accordingly.

We handle all complaints with care and treat you with courtesy. We expect the same from you, to resolve the complaint quickly and professionally. AWA will keep the complaint for two years.

Complaints procedures
  1. Your complaint must be submitted in writing to Amsterdam Wine Academy, Gerard Doustraat 16h, 1072VP, Amsterdam – or by email to
  2. A complaint must be submitted to Amsterdam Wine Academy in a timely, complete and clear manner including dates and any evidence you may have to illustrate your dissatisfaction. Complaints not submitted within 2 months are not admissible.
  3. Provide your contact details – address, email and phone number
  4. Amsterdam Wine Academy will confirm receipt of your complaint within two days. We aim to respond to you within 20 working days of receipt of the complaint. If the complaint is complex and it is likely to take longer to resolve, AWA will notify you, explaining the reasons and with a new expected date/outcome.
  5. If you are not satisfied with the response, you can appeal in writing to AWA. If the complaint cannot be resolved by mutual agreement, a dispute will arise that qualifies for The Disputes Committee

Dispute settlement rules
  1. The agreement is governed by the law of the Netherlands, unless on the basis of mandatory legal provisions the law of another country applies.
  2. Disputes between you and Amsterdam Wine Academy regarding the coming into effect or the performance of agreements with regard to the services and items delivered or to be delivered by Amsterdam Wine Academy, can be submitted by you as well as by Amsterdam Wine Academy to the Disputes Committee for Private Educational Institutions; further information can be found at:
  3. The Disputes Committee will only accept a dispute if you have submitted a complaint in accordance with the provisions of the complaints procedures described above to Amsterdam Wine Academy and this has not resulted in a solution that is satisfactory for both parties.
  4. A dispute must be submitted to the Disputes Committee within twelve months after submitting the complaint in accordance with the provisions of article 15.
  5. A payment will be owed for dealing with a dispute.
  6. If you submit a dispute to the Disputes Committee, Amsterdam Wine Academy will be bound by this choice.
  7. If Amsterdam Wine Academy wants to submit a dispute to the Disputes Committee, Amsterdam Wine Academy must first request in writing that you state within 5 weeks whether you agree to this. Amsterdam Wine Academy must thereby announce that he will consider himself to be free after the expiry of the aforesaid period to submit the dispute to the regular court.
  8. The Disputes Committee will make a decision with due observance of the provisions of the regulations applicable to it. The decision of the Disputes Committee will take place by means of binding advice.
  9. Exclusively in those cases of formal education for which binding legal dispute settlement rules have been provided, such as those for examination of the student, the provisions of subclauses 2 up to and including 8 of this article will not apply.

Ja, ik wil meer leren over wijn!

Yes, I want to learn more about wine!

Amsterdam Wine Academy is a WSET and WSG approved program provider.