Due to the very enthusiastic reactions to Sietze Wijma’s first masterclass, we will receive him for the second time on Friday evening 10 February from 7.30 pm to 9.30 pm for ‘the Art of Tasting’. The masterclass in November ’22 focused on white wines. This time it’s about recognizing aromas in red wines.
Sietze has a master’s degree in Sensory Science and gives many tastings at the WSET wine school in London and now also with us in Amsterdam for the second time.

Under the guidance of Sietze we taste the same neutral basic wine 11 times. An aroma that we regularly encounter in wine has been added to 10 of these samples. Think of the green pepper in a cabernet sauvignon, but also of the smell that you recognize ‘cork’. Sietze explains where these aromas come from and in which wines you can expect them.

This is the ideal masterclass for students preparing for the WSET level 3 tasting exam, but also very suitable for other wine enthusiasts who would like to learn how to taste better.

Reserve your spot quickly by sending us a short email. Only 20 places are available.